About Us

About Finer Life Coaching

About Us

About Us

Finer Life Coaching Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching for Success and Well-being 

Our mission is to support, encourage and empower you through coaching to discover your potential, find solutions for your problems and achieve your goals.
Finer Life Coaches offer personal life coaching, business coaching, executive performance or leadership coaching, and team facilitation coaching. We also deliver seminars on various coaching topics from well-being to personal development. We believe knowledge is power so we are dedicated to continually broadening our knowledge and sharing that knowledge with you.

Our coaching philosophy is that coaching approaches should match your needs and it is our job to ask open questions, observe and use knowledge and intuition in applying coaching approaches that are best suited to you. Knowledge of both diverse and the most successful coaching approaches is therefore necessary and should be implemented by us as they are each required to achieve the best results. Some examples of the types of coaching approaches we use include:  
Person-Centred (Carl Rogers), Positive Psychology (Martin Seligman), Gestalt (John Leary-Joyce), Performance and Goal Focussed (Sir John Whitmore), Transpersonal/Values Based (Sir John Whitmore and Hetty Einzig), Solutions Focussed (Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg), Challenging (Ian Day and John Blakey), Cognitive Behavioural (Dr Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Richard Bandler and John Grinder).  

Finer Life Coaching Who We are

Who We Are

We are a team of coaches from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As Canadians we share values with both British and American people, but in particular we value openness, integrity, respect, compassion, free will, equality and justice. These values have given us a strong foundation for practicing coaching in an objective manner. We have personally experienced and helped clients with all sorts of challenges in life and work and we know the incredible value coaching can provide to people. Our purpose in life is to coach and we love what we do. We dedicate our utmost energy to every client we take on because it is our pleasure. We also collaborate confidentially for the benefit of our clients to utilize the unique knowledge and skills that each of us possesses.
Finer Life Coaching Strategies And Plans

Strategies and Plans

We customize our coaching approaches as part of our coaching package for you, we will help you gain clarity through open questioning, help you determine what your precise needs are and spend any time necessary outside of your coaching sessions thinking of ways to help you facilitate the results you want. We give thought to motivational needs, practical circumstances, perspectives from different angles and consequential outcomes with the aim of strengthening your awareness. We will work on an action plan together and we will provide you with the support you need to see it through to completion. We want you to be delighted with the results.
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